I'm ready to increase my success as a musician, master song structure and the increase my skills in learning, playing, and composing songs.
Usually only a handful of key signatures are learned, and the idea of learning all the keys just plain scares folks. It doesn't have to be that way. Each Key Signature has several scales that can be used. But the way scales are taught it takes a long time to learn them. This doesn't have to be hard either.
If you want to apply these music elements and master them quickly, then you'll be interested in the “Getting It Down Cold Keys and Scales Workshop”. Where you'll learn the principles and put into practice the foundational structure of song composition.
The Getting It Down Cold Keys and Scales Workshop is Designed to:
- Get the scales in the big picture and learn how to use them rather than wonder about them
- Save weeks, months and years
- Increase skill getting songs down quicker
- Cut the amount of time and effort need to learn new songs
- Set the foundations for arranging and composition
- Stop reading note by note and learn scale structures to improve your playing
- Increase your ability to analyze and compose songs
- Learn several other scales that will give you the secrets as to why other musicians can kick it and you just try to read music.
I Understand That When I Act Now I get Instant Access to
The Getting It Down Cold Keys and Scales Workshop, including:
Key Signatures
- Why key signatures are the musician’s playground
- Major and minor key signatures
- How key signatures are developed through math
- Key signatures with sharps
- Key signatures with flats
- How a circle is the key to key signatures
- How sequencing of sharp and flat notes provides pattern recognition
- Practice methods and tricks to get key signatures down cold.
- Major music scales
- Use a block method of learning scales and reinforcing key signature construction.
- 3 types of minor scales
- Develop complete major and minor scale relationships in all keys
- A practice method to learn scales down cold.

This is a Complete 3 Part Workshop for Key Signatures, Major and Minor Scales, and 6 unique scales you can use for composition and improvisation; over 120 pages of detailed instruction and graphics to getting these music elements down cold.
I Also Get This Great Bonuses For Acting Right Now
The 40 page “Learn a Song – Crucial Steps to Quickly Mastering a Song” ebook.Normally $7 and our “Piano Scale Fingering Workbook” Normally $12. For free!
100% Guaranteed!
If the Getting It Down Cold Key and Scale Workshop doesn't show me exactly how to key signautes are related and developed, if it doesn't take me by the hand, step by step, show me how to learn all the major and minor key signature, or if it fails to help me understand and learn music scales, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!

I understand that this workshop was being sold for “$37”.
The Learn a Song Report is $7 and the scale fingerings workbook is $12.
Total Value ($56)
But as a Special offer, when you buy now, you get everything for
or get both
the Keys/Scales and Chords Workshops and Bonuses together