There are two full music theory course options available.
Full Music Theory Course
Full Download Music Theory Course
Includes a lesson plan (12 month workable weekly plan) on how to use all four workshops within the course.
This course can be completed as quickly as you wish in as little as a few weeks. However it is designed for the busy person or student to accomplish weekly tasks to complete the theory knowledge in 12 months, guaranteed or your money back. Typically this amount of material takes over 4 years and as much as 8 years to cover with the traditional music teaching approach. You can do it in under a year.
These workshops cover:
- Notes including symbols, note names associated with piano keys, learning the master staff, and note intervals.
- Rhythm including the note time value and symbol relationships, subdividing beats, time signatures, and more. 36 practice rhythm patterns and progress charts are also included.
- Key Signatures and Scales are combined in one workshop because of the close relationship of the two music elements.
- Chords and Chord usage workshop covers the basics of chord creation, the use of inversions and some playing technique. Pattern recognition is a big part of this workshop. You'll also cover harmonic systems of chords and learn how progressions work. This is where all the previous materials come together and make reading, playing, and creating music easy.
Included are advanced concepts:
- Special lessons on Seventh chords
- Introduction and overview of Advanced Concepts for Harmony, resolution, and modulation.
Bonus packages include the
- Learn a Song – Crucial Steps to Learning a Song Quickly
- Keyboard/ Piano Scale Fingerings workbook
- eBook reference Music Notation and Terminology.
You get all these, the full shebang!

With this course you will become extremely proficient with reading and understanding music. You'll be able to quickly look at songs and learn them in a fraction of the time that it would normally take. When you understand and take a higher knowledgeable approach to learning music you will simply accelerate your progress. I know I learned it this way and I went from note by note learning to mastery in just a few short months. You can too. Go ahead and get started today.
Also look at specific workshops for notes, rhythm, keys/scales, chords.